Monday, March 14, 2011

Gaming Couples

Lately I have been sucked into World of Warcraft. I seriously want to play it all the time. My husband got sick and had to stay home from work and gaming was a nice distraction for him. Well, that was the beginning. And I suspect it is partially, if not wholly, responsible for why my updates have been somewhat sporadic.

But anyway, gaming can be a great way to get your romance on. It's quality time spent doing something together. You get to create little avatars and run around on a screen killing spiders or demons or whatever you like. Of course I am speaking about RPG's and not first person shooters. Though those can also be nice ways of spending quality time together. I just prefer an RPG.

But if you're looking for something new to do together, consider spending an evening in, playing games. And you could get really nostalgic and whip out your old Nintendo and play some Mario. Everyone loves Mario. And hey! Romantic storyline!

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