Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding

I'm still having time off, but did you see The Royal Wedding? Did you see it?! So beautiful! I demand that you go watch it right now. It will give you all kinds of wonderful ideas on how to be romantic. Mouthing "You look beautiful" to your bride as she walks to you down the aisle should be first in the list of romantic things.

I got my pictures from Huffington Post. More pictures here.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Time Off

I'm taking a week off. I have been busy and unable to think of any good posts. So I need a break. Check back next week.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Internet Outages

Due to Internet outages I did not do a Wednesday post. Too bad! Check back next week.

Internet Outages

Due to Internet outages I did not do a Wednesday post. Too bad! Check back next week.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tax Stress

Calculator Cake

Is the stress of tax season getting your romance down? Here are a few ideas to de-stress and have some nice romantic evenings of calm:

-Share a hot cup of tea by candlelight

-Listen to some soft Jazz

-Turn off all the lights and snuggle on the couch together in the dark

-Make plans to use your refund (if you get one) on a fabulous vacation

-Feed each other cake

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Stretch First, Seriously

My back has been out since Wednesday. I'm pretty sure it's from not properly stretching before and after workouts and then I had crazy, awesome sex with lots of bending and twisting around. As much fun as that was, I probably should have stretched before and after. Because today is Friday and my back is still killing me, which means no more fun, twisty sex until it gets better. So my Friday sexy post all boils down to this:

Remember to do your stretches or you'll be sorry!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Forget watching TV or watching movies in your house! It's sunny and warm and gorgeous outside (most places) so you need to get out of the house and go to a movie, preferably outside or in a drive-in. Go check your listings and see what kind of romantic comedies are available. Spring is for lovers and it's also time for people to get out of their houses.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Planning a Surprise Party

*Happy 1st Birthday!!!* ~ Migotka

Do's and Do Not's


Make sure to stock the bar.

Have plenty of appetizer or finger foods on hand.

Light scented candles about an hour before guests arrive, if the party is at your home.

Clean, clean, clean! (bathrooms, kitchen, floors, and remember to dust and do the windows)

Pick up fresh flowers and set them out in a nice vase.


Invite lots of her friends to her or your shared home and fail to clean beforehand. It is very embarrassing for her to have her friends see her house in a mess.

Leave food preparation to the last minute.

Let her sit around in sweats or lounging clothes all day until the last minute, when people start to arrive.

Tell her she looks old.

Forget to get her a cake. Seriously.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011


Keep this in mind:



-Coughing/hacking/spitting up mucus

-Porn with bad acting and story-lines about young teenagers having sex with their best friend's dad (OK, sex abuse is not sexy)

-Axe body spray

-Dirty fingernails

-Sweat/Body Odor

-Unwashed people

Just saying!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


There's singing, there's dancing, there's high school angst, there are enough love triangles to build a modern art sculpture. I highly recommend you go check out Glee with your sweetie. It's on instant streaming on Netflix, so what's your wait? Go do it!


Ha, I love this Glee premiere party inspired menu suggestion article. Go there and get inventive!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Bicycle Romance

Image from Beg Bicycles.

Is it just me or are bicycles making a popular resurgence? I think they may be a symbol of the whole hipster lifestyle, but with rising gas prices, I suspect that we will be seeing them around more and more. (Not me, though. I have no faith in my balance.)

So, here are a few romantic bicycle things to check out:

-Lovely Bicycle Wedding

-Bicycle Built for Two

-Go on a romantic bike ride in Denmark

-Bike to a secluded spot for a picnic

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

Hot Sexy Action

Yes, this is April Fool's! And this video is NSFW.