Monday, April 11, 2011

Planning a Surprise Party

*Happy 1st Birthday!!!* ~ Migotka

Do's and Do Not's


Make sure to stock the bar.

Have plenty of appetizer or finger foods on hand.

Light scented candles about an hour before guests arrive, if the party is at your home.

Clean, clean, clean! (bathrooms, kitchen, floors, and remember to dust and do the windows)

Pick up fresh flowers and set them out in a nice vase.


Invite lots of her friends to her or your shared home and fail to clean beforehand. It is very embarrassing for her to have her friends see her house in a mess.

Leave food preparation to the last minute.

Let her sit around in sweats or lounging clothes all day until the last minute, when people start to arrive.

Tell her she looks old.

Forget to get her a cake. Seriously.

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