Monday, May 24, 2010


Flowers, a classic romantic gift, often paired with chocolate and given at the beginning of a first date or for very special occasions, such as Valentine's Day or an anniversary. However flowers aren't just for special occasions, they're for any and all times. Is your lady feeling a little sad? Surprise her with a bouquet of daisies to make her smile. It's a well known fact that having fresh cut flowers around will create a more cheerful environment. And when she's happy, you're happy!

Here are a few bouquet suggestions that any girl would adore:

Daisies - The daisy stands for loyal love. They're a very cheerful flower and will definitely help to brighten up any dark mood. This is an especially nice flower to give her when she's all PMS.

Hydrangeas - The hydrangea stands for friendship, devotion, and understanding. They're an incredibly elegant, fragrant flower. Extremely romantic.

Lilies - Similar to the rose, there are so many different types of lilies, they all have different meanings. The white lily represents chastity and virtue. The lilies of the valley represent humility and devotion. If you've had a fight and you want to make up maybe you should send her a bouquet of lilies of the valley with a nice I'm Sorry attached.

Roses - The rose is a classic. It's hard to go wrong with a bouquet of roses. Of course everyone knows the red rose represents passion, however there are a ton of other colors and here is a guide to help you choose which color is appropriate.

If none of these options strike your fancy, sit down and have a nice chat with her about flowers. Ask her which ones she likes, which ones she hates, what she likes about the ones she fancies and the reason she hates the ones she doesn't like. Haha, that was a fun sentence. Anyway, getting her input ahead of time will make flower buying a much easier experience. You can just go to a florist and say "My girl likes..." and let them put something together. No problem!

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