Monday, December 27, 2010

After Christmas Perk Ups

The Aftermath, originally uploaded by doublewinky.

The time after Christmas can be a major let down. You have to wait a whole year before being festive again. So if you and your significant friend are feeling a little blue after the Yuletide festivities, here are a few suggestions to perk yourselves up for New Year's:

-After Christmas sales! If your wallet can stand it, hit the stores up and get some great discounts on Christmas items for next year. Shopping can be very therapeutic and if you're feeling down, it's a great way to lift your spirits.

-Go out to eat. Anytime I am feeling depressed, stressed, or anxious I go to my favorite restaurant. That lifts my spirits every time.

-Spa day! Those are always a good idea to lift your spirits and make you feel refreshed for the new year. Can't fit in a whole spa day? Get a mani/pedi together. (Yes, those are for men too!)

-Take a trip to New York to enjoy the sites and atmosphere before the ball drops.

-Donate to a charity. Helping other people or animals almost never fails to make you feel great.

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