Monday, February 21, 2011


Polo in the Dark, originally uploaded by Seven-Deadly-Sins.

I've talked a bit about perfume for women, but I don't think I've ever touched on what scents women like to smell on men. Personally I think that if a guy smelled like cupcakes, I would be all over him. That would be the best scent on a man ever. But I'm not familiar with any men's fragrance that does smell like cupcakes, so here are my other choices:

- Calvin Klein's Escape

- Ralph Lauren's Polo

-Or anything with a light spicy scent, fruity scent, or soapy smell. But the key is to keep it light so it doesn't over power.

And make sure you stay far, far away from all Axe products. It conjures the image of a prepubescent boy who layers on the body spray rather than take a shower. Not. Sexy.

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