Monday, February 7, 2011

Valentine Dates

Happy Valentine's day!, originally uploaded by JannaPham.

The big day is approaching! Have you thought about what you're doing with your significant other for Valentine's Day? Well, you better get started because next Monday is the day. Which means most dates will occur this weekend. So here are a few ideas to kick around for a special date night:

Casual: Stay home, make lasagna, and watch a romantic movie. Then share a bottle of champagne and some decadent chocolate dessert.

Fancy: Go to a fancy, expensive restaurant and follow that up with a trip to the theatre. End the night with a nightcap and dessert at a jazz club.

In-Between Casual and Fancy: Go out to dinner at a nice Italian restaurant, hit up the movies afterward and watch The King's Speech. Close off the night with champagne and dessert at home or get some ice cream.

Ridiculous: Fly to Bali and stay at a 4 star resort and spa. Have dinner catered to your suite, drink a bottle of Cristal, and hire private acrobats to entertain you and your lovely. End the night with fancy dessert and make love in a bed covered in the petals from 100 red roses.

Guess which one I'm going to be partaking in?

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