Friday, April 23, 2010

Girl Porn

For years it was thought that women were not fans of porn. Most times it was assumed that women thought porn was disgusting. And I am sure that some women still think that, especially the religious or the ultra-feminist who think it is degrading to women. However, more and more women are becoming open about their desire to watch porn. (Women want nookie as much as the next bloke: online poll) In fact, there is a movement in the industry to create "Porn for Women", movies that are storyline driven rather than close up shots of penetration or a woman with a face full of ejaculation. (Trust me, that is not even remotely sexy to most women. In fact, it's pretty gross.)

If you want to watch porn or erotica with your girl, you might give some of these movies/websites a try (and obviously most of these links are not safe for work):

Undressed: A show from MTV that ran from 1999 to 2002. No nudity, but sexy story lines. Could be a nice way to ease into watching naughtier things together. Of course she may just laugh at all the bad acting and high school drama, so you never know.

Sex in the City: A popular TV show about the sex lives of four hot New York women. A good first step if your lady is nervous about watching naughty movies with you.

Basic Instinct : An erotic thriller starring Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone.

Red Shoe Diaries: Erotic Drama starring David Duchovny of X Files fame.

You Porn: It's like You Tube, but for porn. A very nice site. I go to this site more than any other porn site.

Porn for Women: A useful resource.

Erotica for Women: Another useful resource.

Zazel: The Scent of Love: A hardcore fantasy porn that is beautifully filmed. Supposedly nice for people who dislike regular porn, however there are quite a few negative reviews as well. You should decide for yourself on this one. (Has a facial scene.)

Pirates: A hardcore porn about pirates. You have sex, you have pirates, you have a storyline. How can you go wrong? (Has facial scenes.)

Candida Royalle: The first person to create porn for straight women. I have heard great things about these movies, so read about them and pick whichever sounds the most appealing to you and your lady.

Some of these suggestions are way more tame than others. You should research each one and determine what you think your lady would be most interested in. If she's a little intimidated by talking about sex or watching it, then start with something that will be easier for her to handle, like Sex in the City. If she's really into it, try browsing You Porn with her. Every woman is different, so be sure to ask her what she would like to watch and keep the conversation going. That's the only way to have a healthy sex life.

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