Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Sabrina is the brilliant coming of age tale of Sabrina Fairchild (Audrey Hepburn), born and raised on the rich Larrabee's Long Island estate. Her father is the chauffeur, Thomas Fairchild (John Williams). She spends her young life pining for the playboy younger son, David (William Holden), who never notices she exists. She is sent to Paris to learn the culinary arts and when she returns David, who is engaged to someone else, finally takes notice of her. Older brother Linus (the dreamy Humphrey Bogart. Yes, I did mean to type dreamy!) is unhappy at this new development, as it could cost him an important business deal. He tries his best to keep the two apart, then things begin to backfire. It's a beautiful, romantic comedy and will make your girl sigh with delight and wish she could get her hands on one of those Givenchy gowns that Hepburn wears.

(For fun, keep your eye out for two other famous actresses in bit parts. Marion Ross, of Happy Days fame, has a tiny part as "Spiller's Girlfriend" and Nancy Kulp, Jane Hathaway from The Beverly Hillbillies, plays a maid named Jenny.)

If you're going to watch this gorgeous movie, then you have to have elegant, French food. Here is my proposed menu to match the elegance of upper crust New York society:



Blue Cheese Gougeres

Main Course

Roasted Veal Chop with Morels

Vegetarian Main Course

Wild Mushroom Tart


Mesclun Salad

Wild Rice with French Green Lentils


Chocolate Soufflé

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