Monday, April 12, 2010

Wine & Romance

Wine & Romance, originally uploaded by Tony Western.

"A glass or two of wine can greatly enhance a romantic interlude. Wine relaxes and helps to stimulate our senses. Drinking wine can be an erotic experience. Let your eyes feast on the color of the liquid. Caress the glass, savor the taste on your lips. Do remember that excessive alcohol will make you too drowsy for the after-dinner romance. A moderate amount of wine has been said to "arouse" but much more than that amount will have the reverse affect. "

- from Gourmet Sleuth

Ahh, wine! Is anything more enjoyable, or sexier than a glass of wine on a hot summer night? Wine is an incredibly sensual drink. Historically it has been used as an aphrodisiac, and is in fact, still widely used as such all over the planet.

When choosing a romantic wine, you should stay with a dessert wine. Sweet, sticky, sexy... In particular, I have read that port is considered one of the most aphrodisiac beverages around. Particularly white port. Which is interesting, because usually it is red wine that gets all the arousal credit.

In fact, last year Italian doctors completed a study that indicates women who drink 1 to 2 glasses of red wine every day enjoy a more prolific sex life than women who drink less or don't drink at all. One theory is that the antioxidants in the wine help to widen blood vessels so blood can flow more easily to key body parts. So if you and your lady are having a dry spell, maybe you should sneak a couple bottles of sweet red wine (or white port) into the house and start a new tradition of drinks before bedtime! Serve with a plate of strawberries (dipped in chocolate, maybe?) for maximum effect.

If you're looking for some tasty wine cocktails to try, it's hard to go wrong with one of these summery lovelies:

Liquid Lust
Wine Spritzer
Kir (add champagne instead of wine and make a Kir Royale)

Or pick something from this huge list of wine and champagne cocktails. Very useful!

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