Monday, April 26, 2010

Basic Guidelines for Surprise Dates

Surprise dates can be great. Some of the best dates my husband and I have ever had were surprises. Once I surprised him after work with a cookout/picnic. The other day he surprised me with flowers and dinner. Surprise dates can be a great way of keeping your relationship fresh and fun. If you are interested in surprising you lovely with a fun outing, here are a few guidelines to keep in mind:

1. If you made plans for a surprise vacation or a fancy dinner, give her some advance notice so she can prepare. It's absolutely not pleasant to go to a fancy restaurant and feel inadequately dressed. It's worse to be whisked off on a romantic weekend away with no tooth brush. Give the proper notice! You don't have to explain where you are going or what you are doing, just let her know something is up and how she should dress for the event.

2. Speaking of warning her how she should dress, keep that doubly in mind for shoes. If you planned an evening of dancing or a lot of walking, let her know she might not want to wear those 4 inch heels. Blisters don't make a woman feel sexy.

3. Pay attention to her menstruation cycle and try not to plan any romantic beach trips for the week she's going to be on her period. You will probably not get to have hot beach sex (or any other sex, unless she's into that kind of thing) if you do not take my advice.

4. When planning a surprise date it is important to keep your lady's likes and dislikes in mind. If she hates trees why would you take her to an arboretum? Remember, this is a surprise date for her not you. Do what she likes to do.

Some fun surprise date suggestions:

1. Dinner at a nice restaurant, but not a very dressy place. Dressy places take more planning on her part. Follow dinner with a movie or a concert.

2. A romantic picnic at your local park.

3. A trip to a carnival.

4. A trip to a zoo.

5. Drinks after a poetry reading or art show opening.

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