Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Present Ideas: The Bag

One of my favorite things (and I think a favorite thing of most women, and some men) is the bag. I love purses! I also love camera bags, suitcases, traveling bags, coin purses, etc. They are fun and cute and they hold stuff! So if you are stuck for a Christmas present this year for your special someone, check out some of these bags that I think would make a fabulous present! (Also, when in doubt, choose the color black. It will go with almost anything!)

-Jo Totes are some super cute little handbags/camera bags. I especially like the ones with the little rose on the side.

-Peruse Etsy for some really cute, original handmade bags. I especially like this, this, and this. But if you're looking for something more gender neutral, try this.

-Coach tends to be a popular option. They are pricey and swanky!

-And of course it is really hard to go wrong with Gucci. Obscenely expensive, but guaranteed to please!

Also try Ebay, Amazon, and Urban Outfitters.

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