Monday, July 5, 2010

A Food Post

Pink garlic
Pink garlic, by Loua

Today I want to talk to you about foods you should try to avoid when you're out on a date. Being out with a lady that you would, potentially, like to wake up in bed with, could hinge on one little detail. Do you know what that is? That's right! It's what you've been eating in her presence. Keeping that in mind, you may want to avoid the following foods when out on a date with a woman you want to impress:

-Beans (gives you gas)

-Garlic (gives you very nasty gas AND bad breath)

-Onions (gives you very nasty gas AND bad breath)

-Spaghetti (no one looks elegant while eating spaghetti)

-Broccoli (gives you gas)

-Coffee (gives you bad breath)

-Prunes (they give you gas, but really, what on Earth would possess you to eat prunes on a date? Unless you're like 80.)

-Milk and Milk Products (gives you gas)

-Brussel Sprouts (gas)

-Apples, Pears, and Peaches (gas)

-Spicy meat (bad breath)

-Fish (bad breath)

Whew, that is quite the list! And I know there are many more foods to avoid, which seems hard to believe. So here are a few foods you should feel perfectly safe eating:

-Parsley (it gives you fresh breath, so if they put a sprig on your plate, feel free to nibble it)

-Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc. (again, fresh breath)

-Mint (order some mint tea, it will make your breath lovely)


-Chicken or lean beef


Do you get the trend that women like fresh breath and tend to avoid guys with bad breath? Also gas. Basically girls don't like to smell stinky things. So keep that in mind the next time you take out a lady.

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