Monday, July 26, 2010

When She's Not Interested

Lonely, originally uploaded by LiluumAna.

Sometimes you're all into a girl and she is just clearly not into you. And it is obvious to everyone except you. And then when you finally figure it out, it's so embarrassing because all along people have been wondering when you would catch on. And maybe the girl now thinks you're like a stalker or something. Yeah. Don't let that happen to you! Here are some ways to tell whether or not she's into you:

-She doesn't take your calls. Or she makes excuses not to talk to you for very long when she does take your calls.

-She spends a lot of time with her arms crossed when you're talking to her.

-She pretends not to see you if you wave at her.

-She's only warm when she needs a favor or you are doing things for her. Like buying her things.

-She pats you on the head and says "You're so sweet."

-She always has an excuse when you ask her to do something.

-She flirts with other boys or girls.

-She tells you about her problems but doesn't care when you try to mention yours.

-She tells you about her dates or boy troubles and then says "You're such a good friend."

-She blows you off/ignores you if someone else comes along. Like when you're having a conversation and some guy comes up and she turns to him and excludes you completely from said conversation.

When listed out this way these signs seem very obvious. The trick is seeing them when they're in action. So go through the list and think about your interactions with Lady X. If you can say that 2 or more of these items fit your situation, then accept the fact that she is not into you and move on before she thinks you're creepy. And it is so easy to say "Well, she does this, BUT..." No buts, please. If she does it, then that's it. No excuses. Because, trust me, if a girl is into you, she will go out of her way to talk to you and pay attention to you and spend time with you. And if she's not doing that then she's not into you and you need to move on and find someone who is. Why waste your time? Also, if Lady X thinks you're creepy for not getting the hint she may tell her girlfriends, which will cement your reputation as a weirdo, needy, stalker type guy. That is really hard to recover from.

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