Wednesday, July 14, 2010

He's Just Not That Into You

This movie explains to women that the reason guys never call them, or act like jerks to them, or cheat on them, etc. is that He's Just Not That Into You [Them]. It's got a lot of different storylines with different characters going on, but it's a really charming little romance movie. It has a lot of big names like Jennifer Anniston, Ben Affleck, Drew Barrymore, Scarlett Johanson, Justin Long, Jennifer Connelly, Busy Phillips, and Ginnifer Goodwin. Whew, that is a lot of people! And they all do great jobs acting. I think this is a really nice movie for a low key evening at home.

If you're interested in a menu that will compliment this film, may I suggest:



Oven Roasted Fries

Main Course

Fast Deep Dish Pizza

Vegetarian Main Course

Phyllo Pizza with Smoked Mozzarella and Cherry Tomatoes


Sweet Sticky and Spicy Chicken Wings

Soft Garlic Breadsticks


Instead of cooking, I recommend you grab a tub of Ben & Jerry's.

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