Monday, August 9, 2010

The Art of Listening

nobody, originally uploaded by remography.

When your special lady-friend is complaining about a problem she is having, more likely than not she isn't wanting you to give her advice on how to fix her life. She is probably just wanting you to sit there and listen to her and sympathize.

I find that this is a popular misconception with most men. They hear a problem and they are immediately coming up with ways in which the problem can be remedied. Well, assume your girl is smart enough to have already thought of all of the solutions you have to offer. Then you can skip that whole offering a suggestion thing and go straight to listening silently, nodding in understanding, and adding the occasional "Wow, that really sucks" to the conversation.

Now, don't think that that means when she asks you for advice that you shouldn't give it. If she asks you "What do you think?" or "What should I do?" feel free to tell her. If she doesn't want to know your opinion she shouldn't ask.

However, most of the time she just wants to be heard. And she wants to know that you care enough to listen. So make sure that you do listen.

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