Friday, August 27, 2010

Do condoms go bad?

Take A Condom, originally uploaded by simonparisphotography.

Yes. Yes they do. Most condoms have an expiration date on the box they came in or on the individual packet. However, if you can't find the date, assume your condoms are no longer good to use after a year. I know some people will say they are OK even over a year, but I say you should play it safe. The latex and spermicide in the condom will become less potent and more prone to tearing after a year's time. And you don't want any diseases or babies to contend with.

Also remember to never use a condom you've been carrying around in your wallet. The stress of your body movements and the heat from your body will deteriorate the latex in the condom much faster. Instead make sure you always store your condoms in a cool, dry place. The beside table, for example. It's cool, it's dry, and it's convenient.

And always remember, when in doubt throw them out! And then go buy some new ones that glow in the dark!

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