Monday, August 23, 2010

Stress and Sex

Stress Reduction Kit, originally uploaded by programwitch.

If you're wondering why she won't have sex with you, the answer could be as simple as she's just feeling very stressed out. Stress causes all kinds of problems and one of the worst is loss of sexual appetite. Here are the top three reasons she could be stressing:

-Money. Money is one of the most common points of contention in a relationship. If your finances have been tight or one of you has experienced a job change, stress over money could be the reason she's not interested in sex.

-Body Image. If she's put on weight or gotten an unflattering haircut recently it could be that she's too self-conscious to want to have sex. Men never seem to understand how body image affects a woman's sex drive. However if she doesn't feel sexy, she's going to get stressed and she's not going to want to have sex.

-Work. If she has a horrible boss or doesn't like her co-workers or she's worried about her future with her employers, it could be causing her a lot of stress. And work stress is always some of the worst.

If you think any of those reasons could be causing your significant other stress, try to come up with ways to help her out. Bathes, massages, and cuddling time is always great. Seeing if you can help take some of the heat off her is also really good. Use your imagination and get busy trying to de-stress your lives!

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