Friday, September 24, 2010

The Affects of Alcohol on Sex

Alcohol° , originally uploaded by Marcopaci.

I think I've covered stuff before about alcohol and sex, however, since I got pretty drunk on an entire bottle of wine last week, I'm inspired to talk about it some more.

Let me break it down for you (this has been my experience, anyway):

Alcohol for men = bad sex
Alcohol for women = excellent sex

And keep in mind that different kinds of alcohol will have different affects on a person. For example, when I drink too much wine I get extremely friendly. Like, very friendly. As in I will get on Facebook and leave wall posts for people I haven't really talked to in years and tell them how much I like them. Wine is a friendly drink. When I drink tequila I get extremely giggly and cuddly. That is when I want to have all the sex. When I drink Vodka I get a bit more quietly drunk. Same with gin. I'm not really sure what the reason for that is. But it's a good thing to keep in mind if you guys want to have sex and drink at the same time. Margaritas are a great choice.

Sorry if this is a rehash of old stuff, but I've been a bit busy lately and distracted. If you want better content send me some suggestions.

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