Monday, September 27, 2010

Flower Petals

Where we live there is this man who carries around a huge bunch of roses to all the bars and hot night spots and he sells them to couples. Sometimes he drops petals along the sidewalks to create a romantic ambiance. It's so lovely to be walking downtown and find a trail of rose petals leading off to a restaurant or bar.

The tradition of a flower girl dropping petals down the aisle for a bride to walk over goes back as far as the Greek and Roman ages. Even in the depressing Middle Ages there were flower girls, or a traditional equivalent. The flower girl represents purity and the petals represent passion and fertility. So of course the romance of flower petals is often copied in other places, like on a bed or in a bath, etc. It's incredibly romantic and a great way to set up a sexy mood.

The best way to surprise your lovely with flower petals is to put them in the appropriate spot while she's out, leaving her a nice surprise to find when she gets home. And if you want to get really fancy, leave a plate of chocolates and a glass of champagne there for her to find as well.

Favorite spots to leave flower petals:

-Bed (remember that red rose petals will stain white sheets)


-On the floor in a path to someplace like the bed or bath

-The hood of her car

-Dining table

-Hot tub or pool


Or come up with your own, inventive places to leave petals. They are super fun and very romantic. But don't do them too often or they'll lose their appeal very fast.

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