Monday, September 20, 2010

Some Girls Are Crap

Cat crapping in toilet, 1953
Photo from Aliceblueblazes

Sometimes a girl you think is cute and sweet and funny and nice is, in fact, only crap. It can sometimes be hard to figure out which girls are crap and which ones are quality, because the crap girls like to masquerade as quality.

How to differentiate crap from quality:

-Quality is there for you in your time of need. Crap isn't so much.

-Quality likes getting your calls and doing things with you. Crap makes excuses not to talk or hang out.

-Quality enjoys sharing things about her day or life with you. Crap can't be bothered with things like that.

You see, Crap is only interested in herself. The only reason she has anything to do with you is because you give her something she wants. Quality, however, is actually interested in a relationship, be it friends or otherwise. Your friends can probably give you some good perspective on which girls are Crap and which are Quality. If you suspect you may have a Crap in your life, ask your friends what they think.

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