Friday, September 3, 2010

Another post about condoms

Condoms, such a varied and interesting topic. So many different kinds, sizes, and colors! How do you choose?

Well, my suggestion is to buy a bunch of different kinds and try them all out. I think that's the best way and most people agree with me. But here are a few things to keep in mind:

-Size matters. If you're big you may have a hard time with a regular sized condom. So make sure to get some different sizes to try out. Because it sucks to try to have sex in a condom that's too tight. (Hint: It won't work!)

-For her pleasure: She probably won't even notice.

-If you're allergic to latex: Don't even worry, the condom industry has you covered (haha, what a pun!)

Once you have the right condom picked out, remember to keep it in a cool, dark place. Bedside table is best. Never keep a condom you intend to use in your wallet.

Once you're in the middle of sexy stuff it can be awkward to stop to put a condom on. Be subtle in taking it out and then let her put it on you. That keeps it sexy.

And if the condom breaks or falls off in the middle, don't panic. Locate the condom if it fell off. If you can't find it, it may be in her. She'll need to remove it before you continue in your activities. If it broke and you ejaculated inside her, she may need to go get a morning after pill to help with pregnancy prevention.

Educate yourself about the various brands of condoms out there. Don't be too thrifty when it comes to your health. Pay a higher price for better protection.

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