Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chasing Liberty

Someone asked me what movie makes me want to have sex and I couldn't think of a single one. And then I remembered this movie. I think this is the only movie I've ever seen that actually makes me want to have sex (you know, aside from porn). And it is all Matthew Goode's fault. He is so freaking hot!

So yes, I highly recommend this movie. Even though when you first read the synopsis it sounds really lame (Oh no, another movie about the President's daughter!) and it stars Mandy Moore. It has just enough little quirky fun bits, plus a really great romantic story. I think this is my current favorite movie and I've watched it about a zillion times.

Since this movie moves around from Prague to Venice to Austria to Berlin to America to London, here is a varied menu inspired by Prague, Venice, and Austria:



Grandma's Polish Perogies

Main Course

Pancetta and Pea Risotto

Vegetarian Main Course

Risotto alla Primavera


Heirloom Tomato and Burrata Cheese Salad



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