Monday, October 4, 2010

Rainy Weather Dates

Rainy weather is, in my opinion, the most romantic weather. And now that Fall is here, we're going to be seeing a lot more cold, rainy days, which just screams CUDDLE WEATHER! I am very excited. So, with that in mind, here are a few tips for some fun and cozy rainy day dates:

-Go for a long, wet walk in the rain. Huddle together under an umbrella and splash in puddles while wearing your Wellies. Don't worry about getting cold and wet because when you get home, have fun taking each other out of the wet things and then warm up with a nice, steamy shower for 2. This is extra good if you follow it up with back massages.

-Light a fire in the fireplace (if you don't have one, don't worry, just get a clip of a fire and bring it up on your TV or computer, and/or light a bunch of candles), lay down on a furry rug and listen to your favorite music while cuddling.

-Try a nice dinner and a movie where you stay in and watch a romantic film and cook together in the kitchen. Make sure to make the whole process more pleasant by nibbling appetizers and sipping wine while fixing your main course.

-Have hot chocolate and popcorn while playing a board game or watching a TV marathon. While naked and cuddled together on the couch under a flannel blanket. Maybe spike the hot chocolate with some Baileys or Kahlua.

No matter what you end up doing, make sure to open your windows a crack so you can listen to the rain. There's no better background noise for romance. Maybe you'll get really lucky and a thunderstorm will blow up. Sex during a storm is the best!

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