Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sick Day

Kleenex, originally uploaded by The Happy Grinch.

When your significant other gets sick, here are a few suggestions to help them feel better:

-If possible work from home or skip a day of work to stay with them. That way you can be there if they need a cup of tea or if they run out of tissues.

-If they have pets, take care of them. It is super unpleasant to take a dog for a walk when you have the flu.

-Take them tea, soup, and orange juice throughout the day. They need fluids and often if a person has to get up to get that stuff themselves, they won't, because they feel so crappy.

-Drive them to the doctor, if they have to go. Nobody wants a sick person driving themselves on the road.

-Clean! Disinfect everything they touch like the light switches, lamps, toilet, sinks, shower, door knobs - everything. Change the bedding as well, so the sick germs don't linger in the bed. Do laundry.

-Make sure you have a stack of chick flicks and fluff literature on hand to help distract from feeling crappy. When I'm sick I like to watch Gilmore Girls or Friends. Though today I am sickly and I've been on a My Boys kick.

-Back rubs and massages are great all the time, but especially when your entire body is aching.

-Don't get bent out of shape if your sickly significant other is whiny and ill-tempered. That is just the illness talking and they don't mean it.

If this post sounds whacko, it is probably because I am writing it as I am sick. So take it from me, this list is a great idea.

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