Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Resolution for Better Romance

Winter Romance#2, originally uploaded by Craig's Making Pictures.

It's a new year, a fresh start to kicking off new and exciting things in the romance department. Want to make a resolution to be more romantic, but have no idea where to start? Here are my suggestions:

-Do a weekly dinner and a movie night. Check out my Wednesday posts for inspiration on what to watch or what to cook.

-Plan at least one out-of-the-ordinary romantic outing or event every month. Try a romantic picnic, a romantic walk, or a sexy massage!

-Give thoughtful just-because gifts to show her that you care.

-Remember to make plenty of small gestures every week, if not every day.

-Make sure that you have time to really talk every single day. Communication is probably the single more important element to any relationship. Set aside time to talk about anything and everything every single day. It'll make you both feel better and it will strengthen your relationship.

Try these suggestions and you will start off 2011 with a wonderful budding romance, that I predict will blossom over the course of the year. Go get started right now!

And go check out my article A Year for Romance on Associated Content.

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