Monday, February 28, 2011

Birthdays Revisited

Rainbow Birthday Cake

Rainbow Birthday Cake, originally uploaded by ottomanhandmade.

Happy Birthday to me! I am giving myself a present and not writing an article for today. Instead I suggest you go here or here and re-read some of my articles on birthday shenanigans. Now, I am off to enjoy my own shenanigans!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Getting Ready for St. Patrick's Day

St Patrick's Day, originally uploaded by alphazeta.

St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time - a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic. ~Adrienne Cook

Friday, February 25, 2011

Sexy Cocktails

Image from Mahalo

Spring is on its way! If you're looking forward to sexin' it up in the warm weather, maybe you want to check out some common cocktails that are made with aphrodisiacs:


Strawberry Daiquiri

Strawberry Sangria


Bee's Kiss

Remember to drink responsibly!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Revenge of the Bridesmaids

Adorable, fluffy movie starring Raven-Symoné, Joanna Garcia, and Beth Broderick. It's all about love and deception and betrayal and it is also very silly and cute and funny. A wonderful movie for a night at home eating junk food.


Try this tasty menu put together for a Bridal Luncheon.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Polo in the Dark, originally uploaded by Seven-Deadly-Sins.

I've talked a bit about perfume for women, but I don't think I've ever touched on what scents women like to smell on men. Personally I think that if a guy smelled like cupcakes, I would be all over him. That would be the best scent on a man ever. But I'm not familiar with any men's fragrance that does smell like cupcakes, so here are my other choices:

- Calvin Klein's Escape

- Ralph Lauren's Polo

-Or anything with a light spicy scent, fruity scent, or soapy smell. But the key is to keep it light so it doesn't over power.

And make sure you stay far, far away from all Axe products. It conjures the image of a prepubescent boy who layers on the body spray rather than take a shower. Not. Sexy.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

G. Moore

Other men said they have seen angels,
But I have seen thee
And thou art enough.
~ by G. Moore ~

Friday, February 18, 2011


electric outlet, originally uploaded by zamburak.

Want the best sex ever? Take a day (or an evening, after work) to unplug. Make a point to stay away from your computer, your phone, your TV, your gaming system, etc, and spend time with your person instead. To really kick it up a notch, turn out all the lights and spend the evening doing everything by candlelight. Pretend the power kicked out and have a picnic of sandwiches on your living room floor. You'll spend lots of time talking and connected emotionally and that will make sexy times so much better.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Shadows in the Sun

This is a wonderful movie! I recently rewatched it so I could make my post better, and I am so glad I did. I had forgotten about how visually stunning the scenes are. Joshua Jackson is absolutely hilarious, Claire Forlani is charming, and Harvey Keitel is super awesome. I put this on my list of movies to buy because I know it is one I am going to want to watch over and over again.



Pasta and Garbanzo Bean Soup

Main Course

Ravioli Nudi in a Ragù di carne alla fiorentina

Vegetarian Main Course

Spaghetti with Pesto



Radicchio, Frisee, and Artichoke Salad


Torta di mele

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day 2008 Flowers, originally uploaded by joel8x.

Now get out there and romance it up! Even if you did stuff over the weekend, you still have to make today special too. Pick up some wine and download some Frank Sinatra and go get your sweet baboo. Make tonight special!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Love is Gold

Gold, originally uploaded by ex.libris.

“Love is the only gold.” - Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sexy Valentine Gifts

It's not too late to get your significant other a special Valentine's Day present. If you're tired of the traditional flowers and candy, give some of these gifts a try:

-A sexy Queen of Hearts Costume

-Breakfast in bed

-A weekend getaway


-An experience like dance lessons or cooking classes to do together

-Elegant jewelry

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentine's Day

Something I have never done before! I am recommending a movie to you that I haven't watched yet. I got it from Netflix and I intend to see it this weekend in celebration of Valentine's Day. So you have enough time to rent it if you move fast. From what I've heard this movie is very similar to Love Actually and He's Just Not That Into You. So if you like those movies, you will probably like this one as well.


I think this one looks nice. But if you don't like it, check out all of these.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sharing a link

Here is a great article about low-key Valentine's Day date ideas. Maybe you should check it out.

Valentine Dates

Happy Valentine's day!, originally uploaded by JannaPham.

The big day is approaching! Have you thought about what you're doing with your significant other for Valentine's Day? Well, you better get started because next Monday is the day. Which means most dates will occur this weekend. So here are a few ideas to kick around for a special date night:

Casual: Stay home, make lasagna, and watch a romantic movie. Then share a bottle of champagne and some decadent chocolate dessert.

Fancy: Go to a fancy, expensive restaurant and follow that up with a trip to the theatre. End the night with a nightcap and dessert at a jazz club.

In-Between Casual and Fancy: Go out to dinner at a nice Italian restaurant, hit up the movies afterward and watch The King's Speech. Close off the night with champagne and dessert at home or get some ice cream.

Ridiculous: Fly to Bali and stay at a 4 star resort and spa. Have dinner catered to your suite, drink a bottle of Cristal, and hire private acrobats to entertain you and your lovely. End the night with fancy dessert and make love in a bed covered in the petals from 100 red roses.

Guess which one I'm going to be partaking in?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Love is a Force

Love is a force of nature, originally uploaded by minasthir*.

"Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible - it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could." - Barbara De Angelis

Friday, February 4, 2011

Spin Cycle

Washing Machine, originally uploaded by Matt Brown esq.

Something I hear is fun, but unfortunately have never gotten to try, is sex on a washing machine during the spin cycle. The vibrations are good for clitoris stimulation. It's like laying/sitting on a giant pocket rocket. So the next time you're interested in trying sex in a new and interesting location, do your laundry at the same time! It's so efficient and kinky.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


As always, anything starring John Krasinski is worth watching. He plays a young football star while George Clooney plays an old football star. They fight over Renée Zellweger. It's funny, it's interesting, and it's romantic. Go watch it!

Here I will cheat on my suggested menu:

Game Grub