Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gilmore Girls

Is there a show that is more enjoyable to watch than Gilmore Girls? I don't think so! I love, love, love this show and I know lots of women who adore it as well. So I think you should grab season 1 and settle in for some fast talking, lovely ladies and their boyfriend troubles.


Here's what you're going to need to do to get the food right. First, make a pot of coffee. Then maybe grab some sodas too, because most people dislike drinking coffee with stuff like pizza.

Order pizza and put as much stuff on it as you will eat.

Go to the store and get the following:

-Chocolate and lots of it and preferably something small, like M&M's or Kisses
-Gummi candy, like Gummi Bears
-Cheese Puffs
-Ice Cream
-Hot Fudge sauce
-Whipped cream

Now put all of the candy into different bowls and put it on the coffee table. Order the pizza and have it delivered. Maybe make some popcorn too, just for good measure. Settle onto your couch and start watching the Gilmore-y goodness.

Oh, make sure you also remember to pick up some Tums. If you eat like that you are probably going to need them.

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