Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mr. Sunshine

I'm still on a TV kick, so my posts might be about TV shows a few more times. Who can tell? Anyway, have you seen the new TV show starring Matthew Perry, formerly of Friends? It is super awesome. And it has some great actors in it as well, like Allison Janney, who played Ms. Perky in 10 Things I Hate About You and Jorge Garcia, who was on Lost. And they are all hilarious, especially Ms. Janney who steals every scene she's in, ever, no matter what the show. I am a huge fan of hers. And of course there's comedy and some tender, sweet romance. I highly recommend it! Go watch, go!

Recommended Menu:

I think you should try this super fun Cocktail Party menu. mmm, Duck Sausage pizza. That's a winner.

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