Friday, March 25, 2011


I made a chart!

A triumvirate is supposed to be "a group of three men responsible for public administration or civil authority" according to the dictionary I got when I Googled the definition. However, I want to use it in terms of pleasure. What is the triumvirate of a super great time? According to Seinfeld it's having sex while also eating and watching TV. And ever since seeing that episode where George Costanza meets the ultimate goal of getting all three of those experiences at the same time, I confess that I have been intrigued. I too want to have sex while watching TV and eating a tasty sandwich. Although I would be good with eating pizza too. I thought about Chinese food, but that just seems like a disaster waiting to happen. And, of course, nothing that require a fork or knife to eat with. So finger foods only and that just seems like a sandwich or pizza.

So far I've never managed to eat while having all the sex. This is something I'm going to have to try though, if I ever want to reach my ultimate goal. And so, that is what I plan to accomplish this summer. I'm going to take the Seinfeld challenge and have sex, eat, and watch TV at the same time. I probably won't watch that particular episode of Seinfeld, however, due to the fact that I don't have cable nor do I have the DVD collection of that TV show. I'm sure I can come up with another show that will be just as good. So stay tuned, because I will have to update you as things carry on.

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