Friday, May 21, 2010


45/365 Sexy Lips, originally uploaded by mriehle1.

Oral sex - some women can't get enough and some women want you to keep your mouth out of there, thank you very much. No matter what her feelings on the matter are, you should always keep the option on the table for her.

Here are a few tips to make oral sex with your lady more enjoyable for her:

1. Wash your hands and trim your fingernails. It's incredibly unpleasant to get a UTI from bacteria you may have on your hands. It is also incredibly unpleasant to get nicked down there by a jagged fingernail.

2. Cover the bed (or where ever you're doing this) with a lot of towels. Cunnilingus gets very messy and if she is like me, instead of enjoying the moment she's constantly worried she's going to end up sleeping in a wet spot that night.

3. Shower with her both before and after. I say do it before because it can relieve any paranoia she may have about not being clean enough. And I say after because she's probably going to need to clean off afterward, so it'd be nice if you kept her company. Cunnilingus is messy!

4. Be vocal in your appreciation for her. Tell her how beautiful she is and how much you're enjoying yourself. Women love to hear that. And it's very reassuring because oral sex for a woman can be a very self-conscious activity.

5. Don't be afraid to ask her what she likes and doesn't like. If she doesn't like something you're doing don't freak out and start apologizing profusely, just move on to the next move. If you act horrified at doing something she doesn't particularly enjoy, she may be disinclined to tell you what she does and doesn't like, which could end up making the whole experience unpleasant for her.

And if you'd like more input, I highly recommend reading this page. It has a lot of useful tips and hints. However it is most definitely NSFW.

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