Monday, May 10, 2010

Girls Want Confidence

Confidence is sexy Right, originally uploaded by busyPrinting.

Girls want a bloke who is confident. There's no other way to say it. A man who knows who he is and what he wants is more attractive than a box of Ghirardelli chocolates. Ha ha, OK, maybe he's more like at least as good. But the point is, be confident! But not too confident... Don't be a jerk about it. Nobody likes a know-it-all or a pompous ass.

I hear some of my guy friends whining all the time "Girls just date jerks!" Blah, blah, blah! Why do you think that is? Jerks are confident. Girls don't want to date jerks, they want to date confident men! So if you are confident AND not a jerk, that automatically makes you a better pick.

And did you ever notice that when you are dating someone, it seems like all these other girls suddenly start to notice you exist? It's no coincidence when that happens. It's because you are happy in a relationship, AND because you have gained some confidence. You have a girlfriend so you know that you are capable of getting a girlfriend and thus girls aren't so scary anymore. You are confident in your romantic abilities.

Ways girls can tell if you have confidence:

-How you dress. If you are clean and you dress well it shows that you care about your appearance and that you respect yourself enough to make sure you look nice. It's a great way to tell if a guy is confident.

-Where you live. If you're still living with your parents it's a really good sign that you lack the confidence to go out and make it on your own. Note, if you're still living at home to take care of a sick parent, the rules are different. That actually shows a lot of confidence in your ability to care for and provide for your family. It also shows that you respect your family.

-You job. If you're still working at your high school job and you're 28, it definitely looks like you don't have the confidence to move on and make a better life for yourself. And if you are too insecure to make your own life better, why would a woman want to associate her own life with you?

-Your friends. The people you surround yourself with speaks volumes. Are you a loner? It may look like you're too scared to put yourself out there to make friends. Got a bunch of frat boys following you around? Could look like you use them as a security blanket in social situations.

-How you act around your family. If you let them walk all over you and push you around, it definitely shows insecurity in your ability to live your own life.

-Your ability to make decisions. Girls want a guy who is confident in his opinions. If you never make decisions or have an opinion on anything, it looks like you think your views on the subject don't matter. Major confidence points lost.

-Your topic of conversation. If you tend to focus on the negative in your speech, then that shows a lack of confidence in yourself and in general. Positive people tend to be more secure.

Sit back and really pay attention to yourself and your habits. Don't sugar coat anything. Be honest with yourself about the ways you lack confidence. Also pay attention to the areas you feel confident. It's important to know your strengths and weaknesses in order to change. If you want to be more confident, then you have to take your weak areas and make them stronger. Start dressing better, apply for a new job, look for an apartment, etc. It's not impossible to gain confidence. Everyone stumbles every now and again and feels like the world is too much to handle. But you have to shake that off and get back in the saddle. Gaining confidence is a process, but a worthy one. Girls will notice a confident man.

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