Monday, May 3, 2010

Love Notes

Love letters are one of the things that most girls really, really want you to give her. Whether it's a short "I love you" jotted on the dry erase board on your refrigerator or a longer, more in-depth soul searching letter from the heart, women like to read words written by you, telling her how you feel.

Who knows why? Maybe it goes back to the fact that women are more textually based than men. But take it from me, there is nothing comparable to reading a well written, passionate letter from your mate telling you how he loves and cherishes you. When my husband wrote to me, I would turn pink and get chills. I still do that, actually.

So if you want to turn your girl on and make her crazy happy, write her a letter telling her how you feel about her. (Remember to spell check and use proper grammar. Trust me, literacy is sexy.)

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