Monday, May 31, 2010

When she's sad...

Give her a present! Here are a few gift ideas for when your girlfriend has the blues:

- Flowers! Flowers, especially something cheerful like daisies, can push a bad mood out the window. Studies have shown that depression is lifted when people have fresh cut flowers in their houses.

- Cupcakes. Especially pink ones. It's hard to stay in a bad mood when you're looking a fluffy, cute cupcake. It's even harder to stay in a bad mood when you are eating said cupcake.

- Take her out to dinner to her favorite restaurant. There are very few ills in my life that can't be remedied by dinner at a Mexican restaurant and a Coke. That is something my husband learned very early on.

- Chocolate. It's not just for PMS, you know. Chocolate has properties in it that elevate mood. And I know very few girls that wouldn't like to be surprised with their favorite chocolate.

- Take her to play with puppies or kittens. Seriously, who can stay in a bad mood when they are playing with a puppy?

- Watch a romantic comedy. I am always cheered up when I watch a really great movie or TV show. Try Stardust or Music & Lyrics or go for a TV show like Gilmore Girls, Coupling, or The IT Crowd.

Some things you might NOT want to do:

- Take her bathing suit shopping.

- Make her cook dinner.

- Complain about your day.

- Criticize her at all.

- Go off and play a computer game and not pay attention to her.

Those are bad things to do when your lady is upset. Trust me.

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