Monday, June 14, 2010

Alternate Date Gifts

99 Red Balloons, originally uploaded by ai.dan.

There is a long standing tradition of bringing a lady flowers or candy when you go to pick her up for a first date. I say why get stuck in the confines of tradition when there are so many other more interesting things to take her? If you want to step out of the dating box, try a few of these suggestions:

-Take her a single red balloon. It's whimsical and silly. If you know her favorite color make a point of taking her that color instead. And of course it should be blown up with helium and attached to a ribbon. (Don't take her a deflated balloon, that's just weird.)

-A basket of berries from your local farmer's market. Strawberries are a great choice because they tend to be viewed as sexy and romantic.

-A windmill. One of those silly little plastic deals that children get and blow on. Get something in a pretty color.

-A super big sucker like they have at Cracker Barrel's store. Tie a ribbon into a bow around the stick. Very fun, pretty, and romantic.

-A bottle of bubbles. Bubbles are very whimsical.

The point is to keep it small and simple and don't go overboard. All of these items are a little silly and fairly whimsical, evocative of childhood. If that doesn't work for you, then come up with something that will compliment the date you're taking her off. For example, if you're going out to eat at a French restaurant, get her a copy of Adele & Simon or a small Eiffel Tower trinket. It shows you're thoughtful and have a good sense of humor and a nice imagination. Think about it!

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