Friday, June 4, 2010

Anal Sex

"Bend Over", originally uploaded by dougmaguire.

Anal sex - what most guys want and lots of girls refuse to even consider. Why is that? I find that guys want to have anal sex because they view it as a fun new experience. The anus is incredibly tight, so it feels good. Also there's something of a stigma attached to having anal sex. A guy who manages it is regarded as a hero. So it's an exciting option that men love to spend time daydreaming about.

Girls, on the other hand, are not so thrilled. To most women it's dirty, it hurts a hell of a lot, and there is also a stigma attached for females. A girl who lets a guy go there is considered nasty. Lots of women can't even understand why a guy would want to do that in the first place.

Never has the double standard for the sexes been more readily apparent.

If your lady has given you permission to try anal sex on her, keep these tips in mind:

- Use a condom. There is a lot of bacteria in the anus and you definitely don't want that on your penis.

- Try it after she's had a shower. That way you know she's clean. Morning time might be best, before she eats something.

- Lots and lots of lube! Now this is important, so pay very close attention. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER PUT WARMING MASSAGE OIL ON HER ANUS!!! It will burn and she will whimper and smack you in the face.

- Test run with your fingers or a dildo first. It'll help you figure out where to go next. Also it'll help loosen her up a bit.

- Go slow. You may not want to and she may not want you to either, but trust me. GO SLOW! You do not want to rip things down there.

- Massage her a bit before, to relax her. Anal sex can be stressful and that can cause her to tense up. Trying anal sex while she is tense is a bad idea because it will be unpleasant for everyone involved.

- Let her call all the shots. If she says stop, you immediately back off with no complaining or whining.

It can be tricky to get the hang of, but after you get into it a bit it can be a nice experience. Not something you should do often, but definitely something to help spice things up in the bedroom. And remember - keep it to yourself. If word gets round to people that she let you go there, she may never let you go anywhere ever again!

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