Friday, June 11, 2010


Scissor Mouse, originally uploaded by morbidly_obese.

You may find this hard to believe, but choking on your pubic hair is not every lady's late night fantasy. If you want to partake in oral sex with her, you should think about doing a bit of grooming in your pubic area. Luckily in this day and age it is extremely easy to find guides to aid you in shaving and styling your nether regions.

It's not just about appearance or the chance she's going to choke on a hairball later. It's about cleanliness. The penis and scrotum are a hotbed for bacteria, sweat, and grime. If you shave you're going to stay cleaner, longer. And you will smell better. No one likes to smell sweaty balls. And no one likes to touch them either.

The benefits: cleanliness, no skanky smell, she might pay you more oral and hand-job attention

The cons: it might get itchy, you probably don't relish the thought of having a razor next to your penis

Do the benefits outweigh the cons to you?

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