Monday, June 28, 2010

Preparing Her Bath

Romantic Bath, originally uploaded by atf300.

Bathing can be an incredibly relaxing - and sexy - activity for a woman. And you drawing her bath will greatly endear you to her.

What you'll need:

1. Candles. Lots of candles, ranging in size. Get some really big candles and lots of little tea lights
2. Don't forget the lighter or matches
3. Flowers
4. Bubble Bath
5. Bath Salts
6. Relaxing, Sexy Music (ex. Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata)
7. Fluffy towels and silky robe for after
8. Lotion for after

First things first, clean the bathroom to within an inch of its life. Put away all the clutter, mop the floor, scour the tub, and disinfect the toilet. Having a clean atmosphere is a very important first step and will set the mood for the rest of the evening. Next, place the candles all over the bathroom. Scented candles are preferred. I like vanilla because it's an aphrodisiac for both men and women. Then draw a really hot bath and add the scented bubble bath and bath salts - again I would use vanilla, but there are lots of really nice scents to choose from, so pick what you know she will like. Toss a few flower petals on the top of the bubbles and place the rest of the flowers in a vase and put it somewhere she can see it from the tub. Queue up the music, light the candles, place the towels and her robe within easy reach, and then go fetch her. Then make yourself scarce while she enjoys herself. After she's finished offer to rub lotion on her freshly cleansed body. Do this and you will be her hero for sure!

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