Thursday, May 19, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011


So apparently Blogger has been down. Now it's up again. I'm still on hiatus.

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding

I'm still having time off, but did you see The Royal Wedding? Did you see it?! So beautiful! I demand that you go watch it right now. It will give you all kinds of wonderful ideas on how to be romantic. Mouthing "You look beautiful" to your bride as she walks to you down the aisle should be first in the list of romantic things.

I got my pictures from Huffington Post. More pictures here.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Time Off

I'm taking a week off. I have been busy and unable to think of any good posts. So I need a break. Check back next week.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Internet Outages

Due to Internet outages I did not do a Wednesday post. Too bad! Check back next week.

Internet Outages

Due to Internet outages I did not do a Wednesday post. Too bad! Check back next week.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tax Stress

Calculator Cake

Is the stress of tax season getting your romance down? Here are a few ideas to de-stress and have some nice romantic evenings of calm:

-Share a hot cup of tea by candlelight

-Listen to some soft Jazz

-Turn off all the lights and snuggle on the couch together in the dark

-Make plans to use your refund (if you get one) on a fabulous vacation

-Feed each other cake

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Stretch First, Seriously

My back has been out since Wednesday. I'm pretty sure it's from not properly stretching before and after workouts and then I had crazy, awesome sex with lots of bending and twisting around. As much fun as that was, I probably should have stretched before and after. Because today is Friday and my back is still killing me, which means no more fun, twisty sex until it gets better. So my Friday sexy post all boils down to this:

Remember to do your stretches or you'll be sorry!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Forget watching TV or watching movies in your house! It's sunny and warm and gorgeous outside (most places) so you need to get out of the house and go to a movie, preferably outside or in a drive-in. Go check your listings and see what kind of romantic comedies are available. Spring is for lovers and it's also time for people to get out of their houses.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Planning a Surprise Party

*Happy 1st Birthday!!!* ~ Migotka

Do's and Do Not's


Make sure to stock the bar.

Have plenty of appetizer or finger foods on hand.

Light scented candles about an hour before guests arrive, if the party is at your home.

Clean, clean, clean! (bathrooms, kitchen, floors, and remember to dust and do the windows)

Pick up fresh flowers and set them out in a nice vase.


Invite lots of her friends to her or your shared home and fail to clean beforehand. It is very embarrassing for her to have her friends see her house in a mess.

Leave food preparation to the last minute.

Let her sit around in sweats or lounging clothes all day until the last minute, when people start to arrive.

Tell her she looks old.

Forget to get her a cake. Seriously.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011


Keep this in mind:



-Coughing/hacking/spitting up mucus

-Porn with bad acting and story-lines about young teenagers having sex with their best friend's dad (OK, sex abuse is not sexy)

-Axe body spray

-Dirty fingernails

-Sweat/Body Odor

-Unwashed people

Just saying!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


There's singing, there's dancing, there's high school angst, there are enough love triangles to build a modern art sculpture. I highly recommend you go check out Glee with your sweetie. It's on instant streaming on Netflix, so what's your wait? Go do it!


Ha, I love this Glee premiere party inspired menu suggestion article. Go there and get inventive!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Bicycle Romance

Image from Beg Bicycles.

Is it just me or are bicycles making a popular resurgence? I think they may be a symbol of the whole hipster lifestyle, but with rising gas prices, I suspect that we will be seeing them around more and more. (Not me, though. I have no faith in my balance.)

So, here are a few romantic bicycle things to check out:

-Lovely Bicycle Wedding

-Bicycle Built for Two

-Go on a romantic bike ride in Denmark

-Bike to a secluded spot for a picnic

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

Hot Sexy Action

Yes, this is April Fool's! And this video is NSFW.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gilmore Girls

Is there a show that is more enjoyable to watch than Gilmore Girls? I don't think so! I love, love, love this show and I know lots of women who adore it as well. So I think you should grab season 1 and settle in for some fast talking, lovely ladies and their boyfriend troubles.


Here's what you're going to need to do to get the food right. First, make a pot of coffee. Then maybe grab some sodas too, because most people dislike drinking coffee with stuff like pizza.

Order pizza and put as much stuff on it as you will eat.

Go to the store and get the following:

-Chocolate and lots of it and preferably something small, like M&M's or Kisses
-Gummi candy, like Gummi Bears
-Cheese Puffs
-Ice Cream
-Hot Fudge sauce
-Whipped cream

Now put all of the candy into different bowls and put it on the coffee table. Order the pizza and have it delivered. Maybe make some popcorn too, just for good measure. Settle onto your couch and start watching the Gilmore-y goodness.

Oh, make sure you also remember to pick up some Tums. If you eat like that you are probably going to need them.

Monday, March 28, 2011

1 Year

anniversary, originally uploaded by Sevenmarie.

Whoa, I've kept this thing going for a year now! I kind of thought I'd get bored after a month or two. Well, thanks for reading! I guess I'll keep plodding along.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011


I made a chart!

A triumvirate is supposed to be "a group of three men responsible for public administration or civil authority" according to the dictionary I got when I Googled the definition. However, I want to use it in terms of pleasure. What is the triumvirate of a super great time? According to Seinfeld it's having sex while also eating and watching TV. And ever since seeing that episode where George Costanza meets the ultimate goal of getting all three of those experiences at the same time, I confess that I have been intrigued. I too want to have sex while watching TV and eating a tasty sandwich. Although I would be good with eating pizza too. I thought about Chinese food, but that just seems like a disaster waiting to happen. And, of course, nothing that require a fork or knife to eat with. So finger foods only and that just seems like a sandwich or pizza.

So far I've never managed to eat while having all the sex. This is something I'm going to have to try though, if I ever want to reach my ultimate goal. And so, that is what I plan to accomplish this summer. I'm going to take the Seinfeld challenge and have sex, eat, and watch TV at the same time. I probably won't watch that particular episode of Seinfeld, however, due to the fact that I don't have cable nor do I have the DVD collection of that TV show. I'm sure I can come up with another show that will be just as good. So stay tuned, because I will have to update you as things carry on.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mr. Sunshine

I'm still on a TV kick, so my posts might be about TV shows a few more times. Who can tell? Anyway, have you seen the new TV show starring Matthew Perry, formerly of Friends? It is super awesome. And it has some great actors in it as well, like Allison Janney, who played Ms. Perky in 10 Things I Hate About You and Jorge Garcia, who was on Lost. And they are all hilarious, especially Ms. Janney who steals every scene she's in, ever, no matter what the show. I am a huge fan of hers. And of course there's comedy and some tender, sweet romance. I highly recommend it! Go watch, go!

Recommended Menu:

I think you should try this super fun Cocktail Party menu. mmm, Duck Sausage pizza. That's a winner.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Has Sprung!

Spring buttercups, originally uploaded by MiloTheGreat.

It's spring! The best time of the year! If you are like me and my husband then you've had the windows open since last week and you've been walking around your house in your underwear. Good times!

So now it's time to put away all the winter date ideas and focus on spring themed romances. It's going to be awesome!

My first recommendation for a fabulous way to spend a sunny spring day with your lovely: Go on leisurely stroll through a park or flower garden. The daffodils and tulips are up, not to mention the flowering red buds, Bradford pears, and very soon the dogwoods! It's a great way to slip into the spirit of the season.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Love

Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Cleaning!

Nikon Cleaning Kit Pro, originally uploaded by Hiroki ~.

I do not know what this image is of, exactly, but I like it!

So it is time for spring cleaning. And even more importantly, it is time to get out all of your naughty sexual toys and do a purge/cleaning/updating of everything you have. So here's a basic list of things to check:

-Costumes: They should be laundered. Make sure to get rid of the stuff that no longer fits and repair any rips or tears that happen because of eager hands ripping things off.

-Condoms: Restock! And check the expiration dates. You do not want to use those things if they're past their prime.

-Lubricants and Massage oils: Wipe down the bottles and restock as necessary. Get rid of the products you don't like or no longer use.

-Toys: These are probably the most important. Make sure to wash everything in warm, soapy water. (Remember to remove batteries first from those that use batteries.) Sterilize! Do it all again, no matter how long ago it was you cleaned them. Replace the batteries with fresh ones, so they'll be fully charged when you want them. Check everything for cracks or breaks in the plastic or silicone. If you have anything that is starting to show wear, throw it out and replace it.

-Etc: Well, whatever you have left, make sure you clean it and sterilize it if it ever enters your body. Then check for signs of wear and replace as necessary.

And there you go! You're ready for a hot, steamy summer full of sexing!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Continuing on with my tech posts, I recommend that you get Hackers and watch it for your next dinner and a movie night. It's got hacking, it's got funny one liners, it's got sexy Angelina Jolie with a pixie cut. It's a fun little movie.

Recommended menu:

I say go for a quick and easy Mexican feast or order in pizza. If you do pizza make sure to have it with Mountain Dew and various candies and junk food. That would be the typical computer geek's diet. :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Gaming Couples

Lately I have been sucked into World of Warcraft. I seriously want to play it all the time. My husband got sick and had to stay home from work and gaming was a nice distraction for him. Well, that was the beginning. And I suspect it is partially, if not wholly, responsible for why my updates have been somewhat sporadic.

But anyway, gaming can be a great way to get your romance on. It's quality time spent doing something together. You get to create little avatars and run around on a screen killing spiders or demons or whatever you like. Of course I am speaking about RPG's and not first person shooters. Though those can also be nice ways of spending quality time together. I just prefer an RPG.

But if you're looking for something new to do together, consider spending an evening in, playing games. And you could get really nostalgic and whip out your old Nintendo and play some Mario. Everyone loves Mario. And hey! Romantic storyline!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bah and Such!

I have gotten busy and distracted from updating my blog. I deserve spankings! I will go tell my husband, I am sure that will please him.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Trying Romantic TV

Sick of movies? Try doing dinner and TV! I for one get very sick of watching movies. TV is far superior in my opinion because you can care more about the characters, and it is practically designed for you to eat while watching it! So why don't you grab Season 1 of Friends, pop it in the DVD player, and settle in for a night of takeout Chinese food and some good old Ross and Rachel will they, won't they that is so reminiscent of the 90's.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Down With The Sickness

Bah to sickness! At least it isn't me this time.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

At the end of the first movie Bridget manages to snag Mark Darcy. For some reason he likes her. So of course in the beginning of the second movie, she manages to lose him. And then the typical hijinks ensue, culminating Bridget going to jail and giving bras away to the inmates. It's pretty funny, but don't watch it unless you've seen the first one.


I really like this menu for the movie. I think it looks pretty tasty, actually.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Birthdays Revisited

Rainbow Birthday Cake

Rainbow Birthday Cake, originally uploaded by ottomanhandmade.

Happy Birthday to me! I am giving myself a present and not writing an article for today. Instead I suggest you go here or here and re-read some of my articles on birthday shenanigans. Now, I am off to enjoy my own shenanigans!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Getting Ready for St. Patrick's Day

St Patrick's Day, originally uploaded by alphazeta.

St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time - a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic. ~Adrienne Cook

Friday, February 25, 2011

Sexy Cocktails

Image from Mahalo

Spring is on its way! If you're looking forward to sexin' it up in the warm weather, maybe you want to check out some common cocktails that are made with aphrodisiacs:


Strawberry Daiquiri

Strawberry Sangria


Bee's Kiss

Remember to drink responsibly!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Revenge of the Bridesmaids

Adorable, fluffy movie starring Raven-Symoné, Joanna Garcia, and Beth Broderick. It's all about love and deception and betrayal and it is also very silly and cute and funny. A wonderful movie for a night at home eating junk food.


Try this tasty menu put together for a Bridal Luncheon.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Polo in the Dark, originally uploaded by Seven-Deadly-Sins.

I've talked a bit about perfume for women, but I don't think I've ever touched on what scents women like to smell on men. Personally I think that if a guy smelled like cupcakes, I would be all over him. That would be the best scent on a man ever. But I'm not familiar with any men's fragrance that does smell like cupcakes, so here are my other choices:

- Calvin Klein's Escape

- Ralph Lauren's Polo

-Or anything with a light spicy scent, fruity scent, or soapy smell. But the key is to keep it light so it doesn't over power.

And make sure you stay far, far away from all Axe products. It conjures the image of a prepubescent boy who layers on the body spray rather than take a shower. Not. Sexy.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

G. Moore

Other men said they have seen angels,
But I have seen thee
And thou art enough.
~ by G. Moore ~

Friday, February 18, 2011


electric outlet, originally uploaded by zamburak.

Want the best sex ever? Take a day (or an evening, after work) to unplug. Make a point to stay away from your computer, your phone, your TV, your gaming system, etc, and spend time with your person instead. To really kick it up a notch, turn out all the lights and spend the evening doing everything by candlelight. Pretend the power kicked out and have a picnic of sandwiches on your living room floor. You'll spend lots of time talking and connected emotionally and that will make sexy times so much better.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Shadows in the Sun

This is a wonderful movie! I recently rewatched it so I could make my post better, and I am so glad I did. I had forgotten about how visually stunning the scenes are. Joshua Jackson is absolutely hilarious, Claire Forlani is charming, and Harvey Keitel is super awesome. I put this on my list of movies to buy because I know it is one I am going to want to watch over and over again.



Pasta and Garbanzo Bean Soup

Main Course

Ravioli Nudi in a Ragù di carne alla fiorentina

Vegetarian Main Course

Spaghetti with Pesto



Radicchio, Frisee, and Artichoke Salad


Torta di mele

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day 2008 Flowers, originally uploaded by joel8x.

Now get out there and romance it up! Even if you did stuff over the weekend, you still have to make today special too. Pick up some wine and download some Frank Sinatra and go get your sweet baboo. Make tonight special!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Love is Gold

Gold, originally uploaded by ex.libris.

“Love is the only gold.” - Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sexy Valentine Gifts

It's not too late to get your significant other a special Valentine's Day present. If you're tired of the traditional flowers and candy, give some of these gifts a try:

-A sexy Queen of Hearts Costume

-Breakfast in bed

-A weekend getaway


-An experience like dance lessons or cooking classes to do together

-Elegant jewelry

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentine's Day

Something I have never done before! I am recommending a movie to you that I haven't watched yet. I got it from Netflix and I intend to see it this weekend in celebration of Valentine's Day. So you have enough time to rent it if you move fast. From what I've heard this movie is very similar to Love Actually and He's Just Not That Into You. So if you like those movies, you will probably like this one as well.


I think this one looks nice. But if you don't like it, check out all of these.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sharing a link

Here is a great article about low-key Valentine's Day date ideas. Maybe you should check it out.

Valentine Dates

Happy Valentine's day!, originally uploaded by JannaPham.

The big day is approaching! Have you thought about what you're doing with your significant other for Valentine's Day? Well, you better get started because next Monday is the day. Which means most dates will occur this weekend. So here are a few ideas to kick around for a special date night:

Casual: Stay home, make lasagna, and watch a romantic movie. Then share a bottle of champagne and some decadent chocolate dessert.

Fancy: Go to a fancy, expensive restaurant and follow that up with a trip to the theatre. End the night with a nightcap and dessert at a jazz club.

In-Between Casual and Fancy: Go out to dinner at a nice Italian restaurant, hit up the movies afterward and watch The King's Speech. Close off the night with champagne and dessert at home or get some ice cream.

Ridiculous: Fly to Bali and stay at a 4 star resort and spa. Have dinner catered to your suite, drink a bottle of Cristal, and hire private acrobats to entertain you and your lovely. End the night with fancy dessert and make love in a bed covered in the petals from 100 red roses.

Guess which one I'm going to be partaking in?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Love is a Force

Love is a force of nature, originally uploaded by minasthir*.

"Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible - it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could." - Barbara De Angelis

Friday, February 4, 2011

Spin Cycle

Washing Machine, originally uploaded by Matt Brown esq.

Something I hear is fun, but unfortunately have never gotten to try, is sex on a washing machine during the spin cycle. The vibrations are good for clitoris stimulation. It's like laying/sitting on a giant pocket rocket. So the next time you're interested in trying sex in a new and interesting location, do your laundry at the same time! It's so efficient and kinky.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


As always, anything starring John Krasinski is worth watching. He plays a young football star while George Clooney plays an old football star. They fight over Renée Zellweger. It's funny, it's interesting, and it's romantic. Go watch it!

Here I will cheat on my suggested menu:

Game Grub

Monday, January 31, 2011

Maybe I'm back

Whew, after almost of MONTH of being sick, I am hopefully going to be back to regular blog posts now. I have to view some movies to review and then Wednesday posts will be back. I do not recommend to anyone that they get an upper respiratory infection. It is the worst.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Still Sick

So sorry I haven't picked up the pace yet. I've been sick for going on 3 weeks now. I am finally on the mend, but still out of it enough that it is hard for me to be out of bed for very long. I am hoping next week I will be back 100%. Posts will resume on schedule eventually.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Victorian romance - 1 of 5, originally uploaded by

"So long as I can breathe or I can see, so long lives your love which gives life to me."

- William Shakespeare

Friday, January 21, 2011

Buying Sex Toys From


-Lots of variety
-Low prices
-Sometimes free shipping
-You don't run the risk of hitting a bugged site and getting ad-ware installed on your machine


If anything goes wrong with the order you have to talk to support people and you just know they are looking at your order history and laughing at you. Or judging. If you order from a straight up sex toy website they expect you to order things like that. However Amazon support probably doesn't. They may even go home and laugh about what you ordered to their family and friends! Terrifying. So does that out-weight all of the pro's? Possibly.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sick Day

Kleenex, originally uploaded by The Happy Grinch.

When your significant other gets sick, here are a few suggestions to help them feel better:

-If possible work from home or skip a day of work to stay with them. That way you can be there if they need a cup of tea or if they run out of tissues.

-If they have pets, take care of them. It is super unpleasant to take a dog for a walk when you have the flu.

-Take them tea, soup, and orange juice throughout the day. They need fluids and often if a person has to get up to get that stuff themselves, they won't, because they feel so crappy.

-Drive them to the doctor, if they have to go. Nobody wants a sick person driving themselves on the road.

-Clean! Disinfect everything they touch like the light switches, lamps, toilet, sinks, shower, door knobs - everything. Change the bedding as well, so the sick germs don't linger in the bed. Do laundry.

-Make sure you have a stack of chick flicks and fluff literature on hand to help distract from feeling crappy. When I'm sick I like to watch Gilmore Girls or Friends. Though today I am sickly and I've been on a My Boys kick.

-Back rubs and massages are great all the time, but especially when your entire body is aching.

-Don't get bent out of shape if your sickly significant other is whiny and ill-tempered. That is just the illness talking and they don't mean it.

If this post sounds whacko, it is probably because I am writing it as I am sick. So take it from me, this list is a great idea.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

So Sick

Sorry about the lack of update. Don't expect anything until Monday because I am very ill with some horrible sickness. I am hoping to be back to normal soon, though. And then back to regular postings.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Public Service Post

Never do anything this man tells you to do.

You are welcome.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Winter Flower, originally uploaded by Alaska Mom.

The forward violet thus did I chide,
Sweet thief, whence didst thou steal thy sweet that smells,
If not from my love's breath? The purple pride
Which on thy soft check for complexion dwells,
In my love's veins thou hast too grossly dyed.
The lily I condemned for thy hand,
And buds of marjoram had stol'n thy hair,
The roses fearfully on thorns did stand,
One blushing shame, another white despair:
A third nor red, nor white, had stol'n of both,
And to his robbery had annexed thy breath,
But for his theft in pride of all his growth
A vengeful canker eat him up to death.
More flowers I noted, yet I none could see,
But sweet, or colour it had stol'n from thee.

-William Shakespeare

Friday, January 7, 2011

Cock Rings

Ever tried a cock ring to spice up your sex life? According to Wikipedia the cock ring is a sex tool placed around a man's penis. It is designed to slow blood flow from an erect penis, thus causing the erection to last longer. Very useful!

And did you know that there are quite a few cock rings out that have an added feature to pleasure women? They have vibrators and little flaps that will, theoretically, hit a woman's clitoris while you're having sex. Check out these bad boys:

-Adam and Eve Couple's Enhancer Ring

-California Exotics Dual Clit Flicker Cock Ring

-Buzzy Bunny Cock Ring

-Big O Vibrating Ring

This is all quite new to me, but I am having a great time researching and learning about different kinds of cock ring. The silicon kind I can understand, but it seems to me like the metal kind would be uncomfortable, don't you think?

If you're thinking of getting a cock ring and you want to also get something to pleasure a lady, maybe think of checking out one of the types I listed above. I have tried California Exotics Dual Clit Flicker Cock Ring and it was a LOT of fun.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's Complicated

I just finished watching this movie and I think I already want to watch it again. Can you beat a romantic comedy starring Meryl Streep, Steve Martin, Alec Baldwin, AND John Krasinski (just so you know, he totally steals every scene he is in)? I'd really like to see someone try it. I honestly can't think of another movie that has so much talent put together where the actors don't try to out act each other, but they just enjoy the process and have fun. So definitely get this movie and watch it with your lovely. You will be so happy you did.

My recommended menu:



Cheese Croquettes

Main Course

Roast Chicken

Vegetarian Main Course

Basic Oven Baked, Marinated Tempeh


Creamy Garlic Mashed Potatoes

Sauteed Bacon and Steamed String Beans


Chocolate Croissants (not as complicated as Jane makes in the movie, but you will probably appreciate getting to eat them faster)

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Resolution for Better Romance

Winter Romance#2, originally uploaded by Craig's Making Pictures.

It's a new year, a fresh start to kicking off new and exciting things in the romance department. Want to make a resolution to be more romantic, but have no idea where to start? Here are my suggestions:

-Do a weekly dinner and a movie night. Check out my Wednesday posts for inspiration on what to watch or what to cook.

-Plan at least one out-of-the-ordinary romantic outing or event every month. Try a romantic picnic, a romantic walk, or a sexy massage!

-Give thoughtful just-because gifts to show her that you care.

-Remember to make plenty of small gestures every week, if not every day.

-Make sure that you have time to really talk every single day. Communication is probably the single more important element to any relationship. Set aside time to talk about anything and everything every single day. It'll make you both feel better and it will strengthen your relationship.

Try these suggestions and you will start off 2011 with a wonderful budding romance, that I predict will blossom over the course of the year. Go get started right now!

And go check out my article A Year for Romance on Associated Content.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

12:00 am 1/1/08, originally uploaded by apricoco.

Happy 2011! Check back Monday for ideas on how to kick start a year of romance!